Grade 4 Dietitian - Surgical and Nutrition Support - Alfred Health | LiveHireicon-resource-website icon-resource-website
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Grade 4 Dietitian - Surgical and Nutrition Support

LocationAlfred Health
Work TypeFull Time - Fixed Term
Positions1 Position
Job no: 72624
Category: Allied Health and Medical Science, Nutrition
  • Fixed-term (12-months) from late April 2025
  • Alfred Hospital Location in Prahran
  • Maximise your take home salary with salary packaging and novated leasing!

Alfred Health

Alfred Health is a leader in health care delivery, improvement, research and education. We are the main provider of health services to people living in the inner southeast suburbs of Melbourne, from ambulatory, to inpatient and home and community-based services.


  • Fixed-term position (12months) from 28th April 2025 
  • Full-time (80 hours per fortnight) - available as part-time/job share
  • Classification: Grade 4 Dietitian (JC1-JC41)
  • Based at The Alfred Hospital


The Department

Dietetic and Nutrition Services are provided at The Alfred, Sandringham and Caulfield Hospital’s. The joint Nutrition department is comprised of approximately 48 EFT and 65 people. The department is organised into eight clinical streams and provides a 7-day service. The Dietetic and Nutrition Department has had a long and valued relationship within the Alfred, with the first dietitian being employed in 1930. The department has a proud history of clinical and academic excellence. It has a strong relationship with Monash and Latrobe University Nutrition Departments and is integral to clinical teaching and training of undergraduate dietitians.


The Role

We are seeking an outstanding senior clinical Dietitian with a focus on oesophagogastric cancers and surgery. This position works collaboratively with other members of the multidisciplinary team to advance patient centred care and nutrition service developement. This Senior Dietitian also leads and coordinates the Nutrition Support program within Alfred Health, including the development and maintenance of a strategic approach to the provision of oral, enteral and parenteral nutrition across all Alfred Health sites. The successful candidate will be well supported by a high performing team with a great culture. The Nutrition department has a proud history of research and there is opportunity to participate in and/or lead research projects.


Skills/Qualifications Required

The successful candidate will demonstrate:

  • Strong clinical skills in nutrition support and experience working across inpatient and outpatient services
  • Excellent communication skills, ability to lead a team, and proficiency in nutrition education and capability development
  • Demonstrated leadership in research, continuous quality improvement and service development s
  • Possesses qualifications providing eligibility for full membership of the Dietitians’ Australia (DA) and participation in the APD program.
  • 10 years post-graduate experience, including at least 7 years' experience in the surgical nutrition management 
  • Post graduate qualification in or progressing toward one in Health Management, Public Health or Research. 


Staff Benefits:

  • Salary Packaging
  • Discounted Health Insurance
  • Staff Car Parking (subject to availability)
  • On-site gym (Alfred Hospital)
  • Child care services (Alfred Hospital)


Please send all enquiries to Andrea Bramley, Manager of Dietetics and Nutrition, Alfred Health

Phone: 0429 271 963



Alfred Health is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to attracting and retaining a diverse workforce that reflects the community we serve.  Applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are encouraged.

In compliance with the Victorian Chief Health Officer's Mandatory Vaccination Directions, all Alfred health employees must be vaccinated against COVID-19 with TGA approved vaccine and must have evidence of their vaccination status. 
