Case Study

How Zenitas streamlined onboarding

Company Background

Zenitas Healthcare is a leading provider of high-quality healthcare services across Australia. They offer a range of trusted services along with their community-based brands, Plena Healthcare and Claro Aged Care and Disability Services.

With over 5,000 employees across the three organisations they deliver services that include personal and aged care, disability services and accommodation, general practice medicine, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, podiatry, speech pathology, and dietetic services.

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Key results

Plena has reduced time to hire by a massive 40%

Plena has reduced time to hire by a massive 40%

The Recruitment team is saving 37.5 hours every week

The Recruitment team is saving 37.5 hours every week

Drastic increase in candidate and recruiter satisfaction

Drastic increase in candidate and recruiter satisfaction


Staff shortages in the aged care sector in Australia have become a significant and pressing issue. To address these challenges, Zenitas implemented LiveHire in late 2019 to enhance their talent attraction efforts. In a talent-short market, it’s crucial to accelerate the onboarding of new employees to avoid losing candidates. Zenitas’ outdated legacy onboarding solution was becoming increasingly challenging to use.

“We onboard around 2,250 people every year across the three businesses and managing the process with our legacy system was time consuming and frustrating for both candidates and recruiters,” said Donna Wright, Head of Recruitment and Onboarding at Zenitas.

The number of new starters that had issues with the solution was causing a large volume of calls and impacting efficiency. Candidates were frustrated and dissatisfied with the process as they were unable to view their documents.

The lack of customer support provided by the vendor made it difficult to resolve the issues and added to the frustrations of the 10 people on the Talent Acquisition team.

Across our 10 recruiters we are saving 37.5 hours every week using LiveOnboard.

Donna Wright

Head of Recruitment and Onboarding

The Solution

“It was while sharing my frustrations with our onboarding solution with our LiveHire Account Manager that we found out about LiveOnboard,” said Donna Wright, Head of Recruitment and Onboarding at Zenitas.

Zenitas were pleased to hear that LiveHire had an Onboarding solution that would meet their needs. Once they saw the system in action they immediately realised the enormous benefits of changing. “I was sold as soon as I saw LiveOnboard, once the conversation ended I was writing the business case,” said Ms Wright.

The Plena side of the business has also improved time-to-hire, since implementing LiveOnboard they have gone from 53 days down to 32 days, which is an amazing 21 days faster”

Donna Wright

Head of Recruitment and Onboarding


Zenitas transitioned effortlessly to LiveOnboard and quickly saw improvements in candidate satisfaction. The user-friendly system significantly reduced the volume of support calls, saving the team valuable time. New hires no longer struggle to log in or find necessary documents.

We haven’t had one person that hasn’t been able to log in since we implemented LiveOnboard. Kylie Buckney, Recruitment and Onboarding Coordinator

Document Quality
The quality of the documents in LiveOnboard is a vast improvement to the previous system. Zenitas is delighted with the look and feel and also how easy it is for employees to find their onboarding documents. The recruitment team has found candidate-uploaded documents clearer and easier to read also, reducing the need to follow-up with candidates.

Time Savings
With LiveOnboard, recruiters no longer face system access issues or spend excessive time resolving problems. “The time savings are impressive, we estimate that each recruiter is saving 45 minutes per day,” said Ms Buckney. LiveOnboard has streamlined the onboarding process and removed all friction for candidates.

Improved Time-To-Hire
The time savings provided by LiveOnboard have shaved days off the time-to-hire for all three businesses. Prior to the new system, the time-to-hire for Claro was 39 days, now its down to 27 days, that’s a saving of 12 days.

“The Plena side of the business has also improved timeto-hire, since implementing LiveOnboard they have gone from 53 days down to 32 days, which is an amazing 21 days faster” said Ms Wright.

Text Messages Save Time
Previously Zenitas would often find candidates weren’t receiving emailed documents because they were going to spam folders. “The ability to send a text message with the onboarding link directly to the candidate is much faster than email. Candidates have their phones with them at all times, so they are able to action the message quickly.”

Zenitas is thrilled with the responsiveness of the support team and their eagerness to understand and solve issues. “The tech support from LiveHire is amazing,” said Ms Buckney.

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